Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Show Me Night

Don't forget Show Me Night is tonight.... Please feel free to come between 5pm and 7pm and learn what your child is doing in class!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Show Me NIght




Faith North Montessori &

Faith North Montessori@Shaw

“Noche de Enseñame”

Pre-school and Kindergarten



An evening of education presented by your child


Una noche de educación para los padres

 Presentada por su hijo





January 30 /30 de Enero



Times are indicated by your students last name initial


“La hora está indicado por el apellido de tu hijo”


Faith North

A-l 5:00-6:00 m-Z 6:00-7:00



 M-Z 5:00-6:00 A-L 6:00-7:00


In your child’s classroom


En el salón de clases de su hijo
Guidlines for Show Me Night
Walk into the classroom with your child.
Let him/her decide what he/she would like to do.
Please do not tell your child what to choose.
If your child is too excited and wants to show you too many things, i.e. if he doesn’t put back what he took out first, you may remind him that he should put the first material away before he takes another out.
Some children, when seeing so many adults in the classroom, do not want to do anything.  They may just want to walk around the room observing others.  This is perfectly all right, be patient, and eventually they will make a choice.
Do not compare what another child is doing with what your child is doing.
Always speak in a quiet and modulated tone of voice while in your child’s classroom.
Move slowly and quietly in the classroom, there are many tables, chairs and pieces of equipment to maneuver around.
The children are taught to walk around rugs so as not to disturb someone else’s work on the floor.  Please walk around rugs with your child.
Please do not engage in conversations with other parents while in the classroom.  Your child deserves your full attention.
If you have any questions you may contact the teacher after this evening.
Enjoy this unique experience with your child.
The staff and children thank you for coming!



Friday, January 11, 2013

Hope you had a wonderful break with your child!
We are so Glad to have everyone back and healthy!  Please continue to drop your child off at the door and make sure they have a sweater/sweatshirt to keep warm in the class  (some children have been complaining of being cold even when it's 71 degrees in the classroom).