Top 10….
Reasons why you should participate in November 6th fundraiser
1. The easiest fun raiser you will ever participate in
2. Free time, date night
3. 1st Friday Downtown without the kids
4. The chaperons have your children for 4-7 hours 5 days a week, what’s a few more hours!
5. All chaperons are fingerprinted, and have degrees in education… how often do you find babysitters with those qualifications?
6. Your children can have a playdate with out you having to clean the house after the event.
7. Time enough for dinner and a movie…. Or just sleep!
8. The money raised will help outdoor environment, (when your children talk about taking care of the animals/plants, digging outdoor enviroment is what they mean).
9. that special alone time with your honey…(wink wink, nudge nudge)
10. $15.00 for 4 hours of baby sitting is late 80’s rates.
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