Tuesday, December 15, 2009
On Friday, the last day of school before winter break we are going to spend the morning doing crafts. We will attempt to build "gingerbread houses" but are still in need of a few items. Please send in one of the following:
Children with the last name starting with a-r: a bag of candy to decorate the house
Children with the last name starting with s-z: frosting or powdered sugar
Thank you so much,
Ms. Marisa
Ms. Bonny
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Preschoolers will not be performing, only Kindergartners, however all are welcome to attend. When you enter the auditorium and are facing the stage the kindergartners will be sitting on the far right side in rows A-D (the 1st 4 rows). Parents will be sitting separately from their children during the concert. Kindergarten children are performing early in the program and will need to be sitting in the rows A-D by 5:45 in order to ensure they are ready.
Please be respectful and stay for the whole concert.
Thank you
Dear Parent/Guardians:
Please join the faculty, staff, and children from Faith North & FNM @ Shaw for our annual
Tax Credit Holiday Concert, Thursday, December 17 - 6 P.M. at University Public School Phoenix Auditorium. University Public School is located at 725 East Fillmore Phoenix, AZ 85006.
Please assist me in reminding your child to bring their instrument and music to school
the day of the concert and prepare to have your child in the auditorium at 5:30 P.M.
For this event children should dress in concert attire: black pants and white shirt for boys,
black pants and white shirt or holiday dress for girls.
If you have any questions please call the Faith North school office at 602 257-3914.
Happy Holidays
Robert London
Department of Music
Monday, November 30, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
We have a school wide field trip to the Arizona symphony on Thursday, December 3! There are a couple of things that you need to know THAT ARE VERY IMPORTANT! Please read this note in entirety! This a WALKING field trip, which makes things a little difficult for the younger children in our classrooms. For the first year students, the primary staff has made a decision, with everyone's best interest at heart, they will be staying behind with a teacher. The ONLY exception to this rule is the child has THEIR parent chaperone. As a primary staff, we feel very strongly that children need to stay in their own environment within their daily routine, without any enormous changes. If you have any questions regarding this field trip, please contact your child's teacher.
- Primary Staff
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009

Tuesday November 17th is the H1N1 vaccination clinic
childsplay will be present Androceles and the Lion at 1:00 in the multipurpose room.
Thursday November 19th is the Thanksgiving luncheon, parents are welcome to have lunch with their children, lunches are ordered through Cindy in the cafeteria.
Thursday, November 12, 2009

Tuesday November 17th from 9:00-1:00 is the flu shot clinic at Faith North. If you choose to have you child vaccinated please use the online registration. This will ensure that you child receives the vaccination you requested. If you have any questions please see the school nurse.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Reasons why you should participate in November 6th fundraiser
1. The easiest fun raiser you will ever participate in
2. Free time, date night
3. 1st Friday Downtown without the kids
4. The chaperons have your children for 4-7 hours 5 days a week, what’s a few more hours!
5. All chaperons are fingerprinted, and have degrees in education… how often do you find babysitters with those qualifications?
6. Your children can have a playdate with out you having to clean the house after the event.
7. Time enough for dinner and a movie…. Or just sleep!
8. The money raised will help outdoor environment, (when your children talk about taking care of the animals/plants, digging outdoor enviroment is what they mean).
9. that special alone time with your honey…(wink wink, nudge nudge)
10. $15.00 for 4 hours of baby sitting is late 80’s rates.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
November 6th
Parent Date Night Fundraiser is open to primary students and their families (children who are in primary and their siblings 2-12 years of age). The primary teachers and some assistants will watch your children for 4 hours. You may drop your child off from 5:30-6:00 in the main office. Your must sign your child in. Your child will be escorted outside to play. After some time outside with their friends you child will come inside for pizza and then some games, a children’s movie, or story/quiet time. You can pick up your child by coming to the office and signing your child out between 9:30 and 10pm. If you have a younger child
(under 3) please contact Ms. Marisa
The first child is $15 cash and each additional child from that family is $10 cash. You must pay before dropping off your child, no exceptions.
Please note: you will be charged $1 for every child, for every minute you are late, after the 10pm pick up time.
This is a fundraiser for outdoor environment.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Due to all the mess and the extra sugar, store bought iced cupcakes will no longer be accepted as a birthday treat. If you and your child would like to bring something for his/her birthday please consider pretzels, fruit, chips, or string cheese. Feel free to be creative with your child’s birthday treat.
Also tomorrow Tuesday October 20, is picture day at Faith North. We are scheduled to take pictures at 9:00. Wednesday is United Nations day. Your child may come dressed up as a child from another culture and bring some food to share with classmates.
Thank you,
Ms Marisa
Ms Bonny
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Wednesday October 21, is United Nations Day here at Faith North Montessori. We look forward to this day as we celebrate the diversity of the world in which we live. In preparation for this day, your child will research their own background and heritage. Children may come dressed-up in a costume of their heritage or a culture they find interesting. No Halloween costumes.
As we study families and communities, we understand that food plays a major role in every culture. We will discuss family traditions and traditional foods we may eat at different times. It would be nice if each child bring in something to share with classmates. It can be a favorite recipe derived from your child’s heritage, perhaps something made for special occasions, holiday or just family dinners. Please include a piece of paper with the child’s name, the name of the food, its origin, when your family eats it, or why it is a favorite.
Please label each dish with your name and include any necessary serving utensils.
We will be participating in the parade around the courtyard at 11:00 and then going back to the classroom to sample foods. Parents are welcome to attend.
Thank you so much
Monday, October 12, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Dear Parents & Families,
Welcome to the Montessori Small Hands Catalogue order opportunity. This opportunity helps our children and our school. First when children use these quality materials at home their school experience is supported and when you order the school redeems merchandise credit for free materials for our classrooms. Simply place a qualifying order from September 1st through December 31st and designated our school and customer 106295. When you order $25.00 or more (in merchandise) from this catalogue, our school gets a credit voucher good for materials.
These items make great holiday or anytime gifts. Would you like to donate some items to your child’s classroom? Here is a specific list of things your child’s teacher would like to add to the environment:
Small/medium two toned bamboo cutting board P. 7
Potholder loops P. 11
Mini-vegetable brush p.7
Mini- sandwich maker p. 6
Thanks for your continuing support!
The Faith North Primary Staff
Friday, September 18, 2009
May the long sun shine upon you
May the long sun shine upon you
All love surround you
And the pure light within you
Guide your way on
Guide your way on
I think your wonderful
I think your wonderful
When somebody says that to me
I feel wonderful
As wonderful as can be
It makes me want to say
The same thing to somebody new
And by the way I’ve been meaning to say
I think your wonderful to

Tuesday, September 1, 2009
A Journey through Primary Montessori
This educational opportunity will walk parents through the primary Montessori curriculum. Both new and experienced Montessori parents will find value in the workshop. New parents will learn what their children’s classroom experience will entail and more experienced parents will begin to gain insight into the theory behind the Montessori Method. All parents will gain tips on how to utilize Montessori in the home.
Faith North Montessori
Shaw Campus
September 3, 2009
5:30 to 7:00 PM
*It is best that children not attend because the presentations given will be directed to an adult audience and will not be interesting to children. However, we are striving for 100% adult attendance, so if you are unable to obtain your own childcare, please inform your child’s teacher so that we can provide childcare for you.
This is a great way to earn your required 10 volunteer hours!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Just a few reminders...
-Please allow your child to enter the room on their own, this shows the child you trust they will be fine and develops independence.
- If you have not yet brought the items on the supply list please do so soon.
- Parent education night at Shaw next Thursday evening.